Criminal Charges

Do I Have a Criminal Record if Charges are Dropped in Canada


According to the Canadian Department of Public Safety, approximately 3.8 million Canadians have a criminal record. This number includes people who have been convicted of criminal acts, but you may be surprised to learn it also includes those whose charges were later dropped or dismissed, because those charges remain on your record as “non-conviction information”. Having a record can be an obstacle to work and travel, and may affect you in ways that may not immediately occur to you. It is possible to discover you have a record you didn’t even know about for something that happened years ago. Once you [...]

Do I Have a Criminal Record if Charges are Dropped in Canada2022-04-20T18:52:47-04:00

What’s the difference between Dangerous and Careless Driving in Ontario


There are situations where exact wording matters, and being charged with dangerous driving or careless driving is such a situation. In the legal world, words and phrases are often given specific definitions. Dangerous driving sounds very  similar to careless driving, and sometimes people confuse the two, but there is a difference. If you are charged with either, understanding that difference becomes more important. Both dangerous driving and careless driving are serious charges with potential long-term consequences. The major difference between them is that dangerous driving, also known as dangerous operation, is a criminal charge under the Criminal Code of Canada, while [...]

What’s the difference between Dangerous and Careless Driving in Ontario2021-07-14T11:30:54-04:00
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